V35TC Turbocharged Beechcraft Bonanza
The Model Turbocharged V35TC Bonanza
Features: Trapezoidal long rear windows, Long-chord stabilators, Stinger tail cone, Recessed wing lights, Single, throw-over control yoke, Vernier engine and mixture controls, Gear handle on right, flap on left, Landing lights on nose and nosewheel strut, Gear-driven alternator, Overhead ventilation system, Extended aft baggage area.
Common Options: Long-range fuel (two 40-gallon tanks), Large baggage door, Engine upgrades, Forward facing "family" 5th and 6th seats in aft baggage area, Tip tanks, Improved cabin ventilation system, Dual control yoke, Avionics upgrades
Speeds (kts): Max Speed - 209, Recommended Cruise - 195, Stall Speed (dirty) - 55, Best Rate - 98, Best Angle - 76, Cruise Climb - 113, Glide - 106
Manufactured: 1966-1967, 79 Aircraft modified by STC
Serial Numbers: D-8036, D-8190, D-8274, D-8385, D-8496, D-8048, D-8194, D-8279, D-8393, D-8500, D-8057, D-8199, D-8286, D-8400, D-8505, D-8064, D-8205, D-8294, D-8407, D-8509, D-8072, D-8210, D-8300, D-8419, D-8514, D-8075, D-8217, D-8307, D-8427, D-8518, D-8090, D-8225, D-8316, D-8432, D-8526, D-8127, D-8229, D-8323, D-8438, D-8530, D-8133, D-8234, D-8328, D-8447, D-8533, D-8140, D-8239, D-8336, D-8456, D-8540, D-8146, D-8242, D-8346, D-8465, D-8552, D-8153, D-8245, D-8353, D-8470, D-8560, D-8176, D-8240, D-8359, D-8475, D-8567, D-8181, D-8255, D-8366, D-8481, D-8577, D-8184, D-8264, D-8373, D-8485, D-8596, D-8188, D-8267, D-8379, D-8490
Standard Engine: TCM TSIO-520D, 285HP, 1,400 TBO
Weights: Gross 3400, Empty 2012, Useful 1388, Payload (FF) 1088
Rate Of Climb (fpm): 1,225
Service Ceiling (ft): 26,600
Fuel (Gal): 50 Range (NM): 574
Distances (ft): Takeoff ground roll 950, Over 50 foot obstacle 1320 - Landing ground roll 647, Over 50 foot obstacle 1177
Exterior Dimensions: Length - 26'5" Height - 7'7" Wingspan - 33'"6
Cabin Dimensions: Length - 10'1", Height - 4'2", Width - 3'6", Door 37" x 36"
Baggage: Capacity - 270 (lbs), Cubic Volume - 16.5 (cu.ft.), Door - 18.5" x 22.5"
Wing Loading: 18.8 lbs/sq ft
Power Loading: 11.9 lbs/hp