C33 Debonair N1444M - $154,900
1965 C33 Debonair - IO-470K - New Garmin Avionics Suite
This is a meticulously maintained and well cared-for example of a Beechcraft C33 Debonair. This "always hangared," Atlanta-based airplane. With its updated avionics and recent Garmin GFC500 digital autopilot, this is the perfect airplane for your family or business and a great place to start your aircraft ownership experience!
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- Serial Number CD-827
- AFTT 8,033
- Seats 4 Seats
- Damage History Inadvertent Gear Retraction 1991
- Hangared Yes
- Complete & Consecutive Logs Yes
- Annual Due XX/XX/XX
- IFR Checks Due XX/XX/XX
- W&B (lbs) 3,050 GW, X,XXX EW, XX.XX" CG, XXXX.X Useful Load
- Audio Panel Garmin 345 Bluetooth
- ADS-B Garmin GNX 375 ADS-B I/O
- Autopilot Garmin GFC 500
- Digital Instrument Garmin G5 AI
- Digital Instrument Garmin G5 AI
- Engine Management Garmin 275 Engine Indication System
- GPS #1 Garmin GNX 375
- Intercom Garmin 345 4-Place Intercom
- NavComm 1 Garmin 255A
- NavComm 2 Garmin 255A
- Transponder Garmin GNX 375 ADS-B I/O
- Accessories Avionics Master
Standard Model Data - C33
- Dimensions Height: 8'3", Wing Span: 32' 10", Length: 26' 8", Cabin Height: 4' 2", Cabin Width: 3' 6", Cabin Length: 6' 11", Cabin Door Width: 37", Cabin Door Height: 36", Baggage Door Dimensions: 18.5 x 22.5
- Operating Weights Gross Weight 3,050 lbs, Empty Weight 2,030 lbs, Useful Load 1,020 lbs, Fuel Capacity: 44 Gal Useable, Payload w/ Full Fuel: 756 lbs, Rear Baggage Capacity: 270 lbs
- Fuel & Oil Capacities Standard Tanks 50 gal, Standard Useable 44 gal, Extended Range Tanks 80 gal, Extended Range Tanks Useable 74 gal, Oil Capacity 10 qts
- Performance T/O Ground Roll: 982 ft, Takeoff Distance Over 50 ft Obstacle: 1,288 ft, Landing Distance: 643 ft, Landing Distance Over 50 ft Obstacle: 1,298 ft, Initial Rate Of Climb: 980 fpm, Service Ceiling 18,300 ft, Normal Range 568 nm
Engine & Propeller
- Engine Continental IO-470K, 225 HP, S/N 868247K, 1500 TBO, 144 SMOH. Compressions 1/XX, 2/XX, 3/XX, 4/XX, 5/XX, 6/XX all over 80.
- Propeller McCauley 2-blade Model 2A36C23-PFG, S/N 831377, SPOH 144 in November 2014 by Sensenich Propeller Service
Airframe Enhancements / Modifications
- Paint Matterhorn White, Red and Gold
- Interior Tan Leather
- Other Speedslope Windshield, Copilot Brakes, USB Outlets, Polished Spinner, LED Landing & Taxi Lights, Copilot Vent Window
Standard Performance - C33
- Speeds Max Speed Vne: 197 Kts, Max Structural Cruise Vno: 162 Kts, Maneuvering Speed Va: 128 Kts, Flaps Approach / Max Extension Speeds Vfe: 104 Kts, Landing Gear Extension Vlg: 144 Kts, Landing Gear Operation Vlo: 144 Kts, Stall Speed Vs: 62 Kts, Stall Speed (Dirty) Vso: 53 Kts, Best Rate Of Climb Vy: 90 Kts, Best Angle Vx: 75 Kts, Cruise Climb: 104 Kts
- Wing Area/Loading/Power Loading Wing Area 177.6 sq ft, Wing Loading 17.2 lb/sq ft, Power Loading 13.5 hp/sq ft
Pickens County Airport - KJZP
Jasper, GA USA