The Model F35 Bonanza

Features: No window behind rear seats, Long-chord stabilators, Aileron trim, Wing root fillets, Rear bench seats with headrests and two-position adjustable seat backs, Single, throw-over control yoke, Push-pull engine controls, Electric propeller pitch change mechanism, Gear handle on right, flap on left, "Sight and touch" gear and flap controls, Flap and ruddervator rivets in place of welds
Common Options: Engine upgrades, Aft cabin fuel tank, Tip tanks, Third window, Improved cabin ventilation system, Evaporative air conditioner ("swamp cooler"), Instrument panel upgrade, Avionics upgrades
Speeds (kts): Max Speed - 169, Recommended Cruise - 160, Stall Speed (dirty) - 49, Best Rate - 90, Best Angle - 69, Cruise Climb - 104, Glide - 104
Manufactured: 1955, 393 made, D-3999 thru D-4391, exept D-4376
Standard Engine: TCM E225-8, 225HP, 1,500 TBO
Weights: Gross 2725, Empty 1650, Useful 1075, Payload (FF) 841
Rate Of Climb (fpm): 1300,
Service Ceiling (ft): 19,000
Fuel (Gal): 39 Range (NM): 510
Distances (ft): Takeoff ground roll 1060, Over 50 foot obstacle 1270 - Landing ground roll 680, Over 50 foot obstacle 1025
Exterior Dimensions: Length - 25'1" Height - 7'7" Wingspan - 32'"10
Cabin Dimensions: Length - 6'11", Height - 4'2", Width - 3'6", Door 37" x 36"
Baggage: Capacity - 270 (lbs), Cubic Volume - 16.5 (cu.ft.), Door - 22.5" x 18.5"
Wing Loading: 15.5 lbs/sq ft
Power Loading: 12.2 lbs/hp