The Model D35 Bonanza

Features: No window behind rear seats, Long-chord stabilators, Wing root fillets, Reclining front seats, Rear bench seats with headrests and two-position adjustable seat backs, Single, throw-over control yoke, Push-pull engine controls, Electric propeller pitch change mechanism, Gear handle on right, flap on left, "Sight and touch" gear and flap controls.
Common Options: Engine upgrades, Aft cabin fuel tank, Tip tanks, Third window, Improved cabin ventilation system, Evaporative air conditioner ("swamp cooler"), Instrument panel upgrade, Avionics upgrades
Speeds (kts): Max Speed - 165, Recommended Cruise - 152, Stall Speed (dirty) - 49, Best Rate - 90, Best Angle - 69, Cruise Climb - 104
Manufactured: 1953, 298 made, D-3401 to D-3698
Standard Engine: TCM E185-11, 205HP, 1,500 TBO
Weights: Gross 2725, Empty 1650, Useful 1075, Payload (FF) 841
Rate Of Climb (fpm): 1100,
Service Ceiling (ft): 18,000
Fuel (Gal): 39 Range (NM): 510
Distances (ft): Takeoff ground roll 1250, Over 50 foot obstacle 1500 - Landing ground roll 625, Over 50 foot obstacle 975
Exterior Dimensions: Length - 25'1" Height - 7'7" Wingspan - 32'"10
Cabin Dimensions: Length - 6'11", Height - 4'2", Width - 3'6", Door 37" x 36"
Baggage: Capacity - 270 (lbs), Cubic Volume - 16.5 (cu.ft.), Door - 22.5" x 18.5"
Wing Loading: 15.3 lbs/sq ft
Power Loading: 13.3 lbs/hp