Model A36 Beechcraft Bonanza
PRODUCTION YEARS: 1970-2005 SERIAL NUMBERS: E-185 - E-3269, E-3631-3635, ENGINE: Continental IO-520B (285 hp) 1969-1983, Continental IO-550B (300 hp) 1984-2005

- Wingspan: 32 ft 10 in
- Length: 27 ft 6 in
- Height: 8 ft 7 in
- Maximum TO weight: (1970 - 1983) - 3,600 lbs
- Maximum TO weight: (1984 - 2005) - 3,650 lbs
- Useful load: (1970 - 1983) - 1,620 lbs
- Useful load: (1984 - 2005) - 1,397 lbs
Max Speed: 177 kts, Cruise Speed 170 kts, Stall Speed 56 kts, Fuel Capacity 80 gal, Service Ceiling 16,000 Ft, Rate Of Climb 1,015 fps, TO (over 50 ft obstacle) 1,525 ft, TO Ground Roll 1,112 ft, Landing (over 50 ft obstacle) 1,240 ft, Landing Ground Roll 683 ft, Range 750 nm (76 gal useable)
Four side windows, Large, two-piece utility door on right aft fuselage, Rounded tail cone and wingtips, Optional long-range tanks (80 gal. total), Single, throw-over control yoke, Vernier engine and mixture controls, Electric auxiliary fuel pump, Gear handle on right, flap on left, Additional 70-pound capacity aft baggage bin (1979 - 1983)
1984 - 2005 (E-1946, E-2104, E-2111 through E-3629, E-3631 through E-3635)
Dual flight controls, Quadrant-style engine controls, Small "turbine-style" engine gauges, Gear handle on the left, flap on the right, Two-speed electric auxiliary fuel pump, Leading edge vortex generators ahead of ailerons
Engine upgrades, 3 Blade propeller, Tip tanks, Instrument panel and/or avionics upgrades, Interior upgrades, Dual control yoke (1970-1983, Club seating